Spring Fling / Plant Sale Vendor Application and Agreement
10200 Smith Road denver co 80239
ajohnson@theurbanfarm.org | www.theurbanfarm.org
EVENT SET-UP: All vendors should arrive no later than 8:00am. No cars will be permitted into the set-up area after 8:30am. Please plan to park on Smith Road after set-up, TUF reserves the parking lot for ADA parking. Vendors are asked to bring their own table, chairs, outreach materials, and a fun interactive activity, display items, or products to sell for families to engage with when visiting your booth
EVENT BREAKDOWN: The event is scheduled to end at 1pm. Please do not breakdown before 1pm. Vehicles cannot re-enter property for breakdown until 1pm /crowds have cleared.
ATTENDANCE: Attendees typically start lining up by 8:30/8:45 (kids get very excited about egg hunts). Approximately 150- 180 people enter the property on each hour: 9 am, 10am, 11am. This event often attracts young kids, families, and grandparents (TUF has sold out every year).
WEATHER & CANCELLATIONS: This is a rain or shine event. If there is severe weather (thunderstorm, lighting) the event will be rescheduled or cancelled. You will be notified if this is occurs. If you are not contacted about a cancellation— the event is ON as scheduled!
WIFI/INTERNET: TUF has limited internet available throughout the farm. If you are able, please plan to use your own cellular data/plan to support payment processing.
Non-profits and government - no vendor fee
Sales - $50 or 10% of sales (whichever fee is lower).